Term Life Insurance No Medical Exam


Life Insurance No Medical Exam No Waiting Period

Up until recently this was not a reality. If people wanted to term life insurance they had to go through a myriad of health questions, usually 20 to 30 at least. If they wanted to high face amount of insurance, lets say $100,000 or more they had to take a physical.  This has to scheduled with a nurse who would come out to the home and do some invasive testing. This would involve taking your blood pressure, using a needle to collect blood work, and usually a urine specimen. Sometimes you would also have to submit to an oral swab as well. Most people are adverse to this type of testing due to time constraints or the fact that nobody really likes to have a needle stuck in their arm.  Unfortunately for many years this was the norm if you wanted life insurance for a high face amount.

No Physical Life Insurance

Fortunately two companies have now started offering higher face amounts of life insurance without medical exams or waiting periods. The first company I will talk about offers up to $500,000 dollars of term life insurance without the need for physicals or medical exams. They are actually an A+ rated carrier and have been around for quite some time. You can get quotes at http://www.simplelifeinsurancequotes.com .  What is really convenient is that you can get approved right online for this policy usually in about 15 minutes. Another great point about these plans is that they are affordable. You see this company is not the first to offer these type of no physical life insurance plans.  However most of the companies out these have priced their life insurance products to be too high for the average working adult. Many companies tried to offer these plans out of convenience, however when most potential insureds saw the prices they balked at the polices.  This company however has priced their life products at a reasonable rate. Yes it is true that if you went through full underwriting you could get a much better rate. I always encourage people to shop around and if you don’t mind doing the extra exam- then do it. If however you just want a convenient policy then this may be the way to go.

Term Life Insurance No Medical Exam For Seniors

This next company I am going to talk about also has a great offering for people up to age 70. However the company really is for anyone age 18 and above and is also suitable for families. The reason I mention age 70 is that, this is the cutoff for people to apply for the plan. This company is very well known in the group market and again is an A+ rated carrier. However few agents know that they offer a term policy to individuals as well.  The policy once applied for actually lasts to age 100, that is right age 100. Unlike traditional term life insurance polices with no underwriting, you do not have to renew this policy every 10, 20, or 30 years. You are locked in at the age that you sign up for and you do not have to renew it again. This is very unique in the life insurance industry and is one of the few out there. What makes this term policy for seniors very desirable is that you can apply for a low face amount just $20,000 dollars.  The best part is that you only have to answer 5-7 health questions. There is no physical to take or anything else, you can just apply online or over the phone. As I mentioned earlier rates for this plan are very affordable and you can get samples at my website.

No Medical Life Insurance

So in summary if you are looking for no medical life insurance or no physical term life insurance, then these two policies might be an attractive offering. They are easy to get and can be very affordable depending on your age and the face amount of insurance that you are looking for. Please feel free to give me a call or again to visit my website for more details on these new and different plans out there. Rob 860-268-3953



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