डर्मा रोलर के फायदे | डर्मा रोलर क्या है | Derma Roller Benefits For Hair
डर्मा रोलर के फायदे | डर्मा रोलर क्या है | डर्मा रोलर से कैसे बाल बढतें है : नमस्कार आज के इस वीडियो में हम जाने गए डर्मा रोलर क्या है और उस के फायदे क्या है और उसे आप कैसे जेड हुए बाल को बढ़ा सकतें हो
Step 1: The first thing that you would want to do with the Derma Roller is to clean your scalp thoroughly. But before this, I would recommend you to apply natural shampoo on your hair and cleanse it.
Step 2: Now roll on the scalp gently. This will allow the scalp mixture to penetrate deeper into the scalp making it to be much more effective.
Step 3: After you have applied the Derma Roller on the scalp, cleanse your hair one more time to remove the clogged hair follicles allowing for more growth.
Buy derma roller from Amazon:
needle Size: 0.5mm https://amzn.to/2t6ctH0
needle Size: 1.0mm: https://amzn.to/2LSWILe
needle Size: 1mm: https://amzn.to/2ykXley
needle Size: 1.5mm: https://amzn.to/2yhwbpa